Richard and I, along with a few more friends, are heading out to Vegas in May and I've been trying to figure out which show(s) I want to take him to. I've seen Blue Man Group, Fantasy, Stomp, and Stars on Ice. We both love comedy, and and hypnotists always sound like fun but I don't want to be one of the people that get sucked out of the audience and put onstage.... so that kinda makes me skiddish. I think he'd enjoy Stripper 101, Bite, Crazy Girls (I'm trying to talk him into Thunder From Down Under... *giggle*).
I just can't decide. There are so many choices!
I heard Thunder from Down Under was amazing. Have a great trip!
I regret not going to TTFDU... I'm just saying :)
Well, then I need to push that show. I say one for him.... and one for me :)
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