Friday, August 24, 2007
Puddle Jumper

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Playing in Playa

In Mexico, they grown grasshoppers the size of combines (I mean the ones we use here in Oklahoma to cut wheat!). Sheri was eating when she felt something on her back. She reached back to knock it off, and flung this grasshopper on the ground. She jumped up screaming. Just look at it! It's huge! The thing even drew blood on her finger! It kept moving around us, so we grabbed our cameras. It was an attack g'hopper too!

It (we) got the attention of the staff and the grasshopper became center of attention. It made its way to another customer... and the waiters took turn trying to pry the darn thing off the guys shirt.

They had the coolest bar stools. Here's Sheri and I in our stools. lol

Chick Magnet

He’s fat and smelly. He’s retarded. He’s cross-eyed. He picks his nose (and scratches his gigantic ass for all I know) before digging into whatever foodstuffs he can find. (Remember the frosting licking and pecan scarfing incidents?) And he’s been known to pick "delectable" morsels out of the garbage can. He’s not picky about what gender wants to pleasure him. He’s ill-mannered and uncouth.
After much speculation and debate, the only possible explanation any of us can come up with is that he possesses a massive schlong and is dynamite in bed. What else could it possibly be? Of course, that raises the dilemma of how anyone gets past the stench to discover this elusive diamond in the rough. All I know is if he were the last male on earth, I’d turn lesbian before I’d get within a country mile of Mr. Suave and Debonair. Yikes!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I Might Need Two Diet Cokes Today
I hate it when that happens!
I guess my mind is in overload. I've got too much going on, too many responsibilities and too much to prepare for.
Each morning I check MSN to see what the hot items of the day are and I noticed a link that said "are you depressed?" So of course, I clicked it and took the test. I scored waaaaaaaaay to the right. Deeply Depressed.
I immediately messaged my friend JJ and told him I scored majorly depressed... he said he does too. Every time he takes the test. However, we feel fine. Or, we think we do! We decided that we're fine... it's everyone else that's messed up. While I was at Chaos College he and I took those tests weekly and periodically we'd score so high that we needed to be institutionalized.
Sometimes, I think that wouldnt be a bad thing because then someone would cook and clean for me! I could just stare out my window and think about.... about all the crap I wasn't getting done because I was in depresso detox. Now, that's depressing too.
Maybe my other blog ideas will come back to me...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Toxic Teddybears

Our Fantasy Football private league is fired up and raring to go. Our creative names run the gamut from sharks to fireballs (a fellow stargazer perhaps?) and ladybugs to marshmallows. If you recall from past years, my mediocre teams have been cursed with the designations Weasels of Destruction and Marauding Meercats but now that I’m over my rodent fixation, I’ve decided to try the Toxic Teddybears. Yeah, I’m sure that will spur them on to greater victory. Our private auction is Sept 1 and I’ve prepared by printing off the Sports Illustrated picks so here’s hoping I make a decent showing this year as I lead my guys to victory. Go Teddybears!

Once again a slithery serpent thought it wise and prudent to snuggle up to our sliding glass door and gaze longingly inside but thankfully he was unable to make his way in and TBC sent him on his merry way. Enough with the snakes already!!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away...
Not only am I intrigued with the storm because of what will happen here in Okieland... but we just returned from Cozumel and it's supposed to hit Cozumel/Cancun at a category 4 or 5. It's so sad because the island looked so nice while we were there! They'd gotten it built back up from the huge hurricane years ago and now they are facing it again. I pray the hurricane turns and spares them... or at least lessens in intensity so the damage isn't so severe!
Those thoughts lead me to post a few pics of the beautiful beaches and sunset we saw while in Mexico. It's hard to believe that out of that beautiful sky.... comes a mean-@#$ storm!

We found a remote beach on the southern tip of Cozumel. It was beautiful! White sand, big waves and a little restaurant with a few little shops and a bar. People would be traveling and stop for a few minutes to take a swim and grab a drink...

My sis and I heading to the water...