A few days ago, I broke out with a horrible rash on my legs. It looked like a reaction to something (obviously) but we couldnt figure out what i'd done other than use new tanning lotion when I hit the tanning beds. I've been doctoring it up with Aveeno and praying it just quietly goes away.
Yesterday morning I woke up with a scratchy throat and I just ignored it thinking that maybe I slept with my mouth open or something. Last night, I felt kind of poopy... but then i tossed and turned all night long unable to get comfortable and suffering with a horrendous headache and unable to swallow because the pain from my own saliva passing over my Jalopeno pepper throat was unbareable!
This morning was total crap. I got up and called Chris (at my office) and told him I had Strepacocopotomus and I was going to see a doctor then i'd be in to share my fungus with everyone else. He was excited.. and added 'bring chips and salsa!'
Dr Drivesablackcorvette determined I dont have strep, I dont have the flu, but I do have some sort of bacterialblahblah that required a
shot of steriods, followed by a week of steroid pills and antibiotics. He sent in little nurse lady to inject me with the 'roids. I followed her instructions of 'exposing a hip' and making SURE I put all my weight on the opposite leg that isnt being injected. She grabbed my skin, pinched and HOLY S@#$ stabbed me with a flipping daggar! I dont think she could have used a needle any larger. Damn that hurt and I then understood the 'make sure you have your weight on the other leg' part! I would have passed out of that muscle had been flexed. It was like an epidural of the butt cheek.
My right cheek aches where she put the goo. I am leaning on my left one until the ache subsides.
The swelling in my throat seems to have been reduced... either from the shot or from the bag of throat lozenges i've eaten. I'm fixing to go get the chips and salsa... which I think will be good to scratch where the lozenges arent hitting.