Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekend in the News

Today has been the most hectic Monday. I had scheduled another interview for the tech position at 9am and from that moment on... it was non-stop action. I didn't get to sit down at my desk again until about 4pm and then I only had a few minutes to check a few emails and return a couple of phone calls before I had to dash out the door again.

This last saturday Richard and I headed to the Zoo Amphitheatre for Discorus 2006. When we got there, Crossfade was playing. We made a liquid refreshment purchase and camped out atop a hill and watched the escapades. I'm not referring to the band either (well, some of that too), but the people! The people watching was more entertaining. We watched as some chick paraded around in front of us with her crop-top and saggy, stretch-marked, baggy, doughy, probably left the triplets home alone, stomach flapping in the wind above her low cut jeans and another guy who obviously started drinking at breakfast time, 'toss his cookies' in the trashcan in front of us.

After Crossfade came Breaking Benjamin. I had heard some of their music before... but I wasn't fully aware of how much I really knew! They were an awesome band to listen to! I'm all about them now :) Of course when Shinedown took stage I gave them my undivided attention. They are so my favorite. We knew at this point that we'd missed the one group my Sweetie Pie wanted to see - Dropping Daylight. Baby, we will catch them next time. I'm sorry we missed them... but I'll make sure you will get to see them! *kisses*

The weather was perfect until about the time Seether was to perform and then it was like it dropped 20 degrees. We left shortly after they started playing...

What else did we do this weekend.... heck, I can't remember. Oh! Went shopping... fun times! I would like to elaborate on Discorus, but right now it's late... been a long day... and I don't want to think anymore.



twisted panties said...

Wait. You didn't get to see all of Seether? Shame. Shame on you. They are awesome in concert.

Kerry said...

I know *bowing head in shame*

But i was so stinking cold! I've seen Seether before and they were awesome. I guess I was getting too whiney and Richard opted to skip out on the rest and take my butt home to warm up. I had a jacket in the car, but once you left... you couldnt get back into the concert. Dang guard people!

twisted panties said...

Kerry, Kerry, Kerry. That is when you drink more beer sweetheart. Warms your insides right up. Oh and a little jumping up and down and screaming will help out as well. I don't want to hear about any such shameful incident again.

Kerry said...

Please forgive me... it will never happen again.

Next time... tequila shots to get warm :)