Today starts another week of sharing working quarters with the switchboard gals as office partners. I do adore the sweeties so I’m not really miffed, but I truly prefer my own space. The cacophony in our building is deafening even with my door closed as construction guys scurry around drilling, pounding and generally making a dusty, ungodly mess. “A” and I were even treated to plumber’s squat this morning right outside “our door” but fortunately he was not wearing his low riders nor sporting a massive belly. We dodged a bullet on that one.
Electricity was out at some point this weekend so not all phones were working when we came in and everyone’s work email was down. Yeah, it’s so a Monday. On the bright side, my secret pal left me chocolaty goodness in my mailbox. I’m so stoked! Also, “S” is coming to take me away to go eat lunch with her and dispense some much-needed stress relief. :)
Take care of those scratches: they can get nasty!!!
Um, what's this secret pal thing? I feel like i missed something! But yay for chocolaty goodness! :)
TC--I know! He's so cute but his claws are so deadly.
I need to blog about that later this week. :)
Wear your scratches with pride, Circe! They mark you as a member of the proud order of the feline.
(But TC's right. Find a bandaid and put one on. If you can find one. Snigger.)
Hopefully my secret pal will be leaving me some chocolaty goodness on 2/1- my seven year anniversary in this hell hole! Hopefully I'll also be able to eat it!
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