I can't believe we were picked!!! I feel so honored.. Burg picked us! We're finally getting around to selecting our 5 favorite blogs... which, by the way is the hardest thing to do. Circe and I have so many favorites that it was almost impossible to narrow it down. We managed... but know that just because we didn't list your blog doesnt mean we dont hold it near and dear to our hearts! We just could only pick 5!
So, here's the deal:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the "Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog.)
Here is the hard part:
1. Bone. First of all, it was the name that attracted me to his blog (makes me think of Boner on Growing Pains). Bone is sharp and witty and never fails to do Three Word Wednesday and keeps me posted on 24, which I have yet to be able to watch. He cracks me up when he writes! He's always a breath of fresh air.
2. I'm jealous of the places Traveling Chica gets to go... and see. She has some great stories about her adventures and we live vicariously through her! Chica always has great words of wisdom or chuckling comment. Although we've never met in person... it seems like she's a great friend! We're always checking on our Chica baby!
3. There is always something exciting happening to Twisted Panties and Boxers. TP just recently made a major life change (moved, changed jobs) and we've got to share in all her excitement. I doubt SHE would say it's much excitement... but TP has to admit it's never a dull moment! We love her wit and energy and it seems she writes with much sincerity and leaves no thought or emotion uncovered. She's so fun to love!
4. Sparkley Pirate. Ahoy, matey! haha. I just had to say that. When you go to the blog, you'll notice there is not a piratey layout... however, if i'm not mistaken she did (does) have a Blackbeard on this site - which would be her bf/fiance. This girl is good reading!
5. To me, this is more of a serious or more business blog... but we certainly love reading Skinny Legs and All. Thephoenixnyc has awesome travel stories or worldly information. It's fun to read his thoughts and views on topics plus we get to do some traveling just like with Chica. His humor, well cracks you up!
Honestly, it's hard to put in words what we think about the blogs we read and why we chose these five. Each one is special in its own way and we love each one for different reasons. We're so excited we were picked! Thank you *hugs* Burg you rock... i'm so glad we 'met'!!!
That's so nice ladies: thank you. I love your blog and am also a firm believer that you don't have to know someone in person to know they're a friend.
I just consider us the modern version of pen pals is all. Via a blog. ;)
Why, thank you! :) I used to have a pirate layout, so the name used to make a little more sense. Then I moved to wordpress and oh! the options! the options! I went on a crazy layout bend. :D
I'll have to do a post of my own on this!
Awww! You're so sweet!
I'm glad I met you all too.. Maybe one of these days we could actually really meet, seeing as how we're all in the same state.. Then I could actually say I've met another blogger!
Aww, thanks gals! You know you're two of my favorites as well :)
I've been told by several people they read despite the name, so it's nice to know someone reads because of it. Boner Stabbone.
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