Yesterday in the gym, I was entertained by two guys going through their workout routine together. The weight lifting portion was somewhat boring and lackluster but watching the leg exercises incorporated into their sprints around the indoor track was hilarious. Besides doing what can only be described as synchronized tango moves down the length of the green mat, they followed up with exaggerated skipping on the next lap. I could hardly stay on the treadmill I was chuckling so hard! :)
This reminded me of my own special workout partner (après darling Rick back at the multinational conglomerate prior to employment at Chaos College. I was originally slated to meet my dear buddy “"J" in the gleaming-surfaced facility, but she rudely stood me up for a male lunch date. As I gazed around the room debating my next move, "K1" sidled up to me and asked if I wanted to join him in exercising. I had recently started working in his section and really hadn’t gotten to know him well and this proved to be the perfect catalyst for our newfound Circe/K connection. Workout partners tend to become emotionally close and our relationship was no different. For the following year, no matter where on the complex I worked, we met outside the locker room after having changed into suitable attire, and weighed in together. Clad in my sexiest cleavage-prone black leotard, I spotted "K1" and he reciprocated in return. Though I doubted my ‘help’ in this particular area, he seemed to enjoy being the only male with a lithe, female companion in a room filled with serious weightlifters. I still remember how perturbed he was at me when I failed to show for our daily gruntfest the day after an overindulged Fourth of July. While our biceps bulged, our intimacy and closeness grew and I couldn’t imagine going 24 hours without seeing his GQ image or hearing his familiar voice. I know we occasionally talked on the phone outside of work but I turned down his persistent requests to fill the position of mistress. By the time I left for greener pastures, our time together had grown sporadic as he was sent out of town and even overseas occasionally. We didn’t keep in touch after my resignation and his transfer, but I heard he eventually quit the company and moved back to his home state of Kansas. I faithfully continued my trek to the gym but I never did replace him in terms of a workout partner. "K1" will forever remain in the unique position of having been the guy who prodded me, cajoled me, and made me sweat.
And all that without going to bed with him. Imagine what it would have been like if you had... ;)
I know! While this wasn't quite poetry, he once told me I was a 'white shark swimming in a pool of guppies' (or something like that, it's been awhile).......LOL!
:) Nice!
Honest compliments are better than rehearsed poetry anyway. At least you knew he meant this about you and wasn't just rehearsing it for whatever girl he was with.
That's absolutely true! I really doubt he had ever said that phrase with another woman before or after me....
Course, white shark sounds kinda vicious...lol!
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