TBC finally broke down yesterday and had me call AT&T ("the new Cingular") regarding his notoriously popular cell number. If you recall the story, a certain female in town has a vast collection of unsavory friends who are forever either in dire need of a. some sort of ‘package,’ or b. assistance in detention springing as they frantically employ the get-out-of-jail collect call. Alrighty then. In the months he has had these mobile digits, the calls have never lessened as her buddies apparently cannot distinguish between the numbers “6” and “8” when they are higher than a kite. At any rate, he’s now the proud owner of a brand spanking new number that the rep promised had no previous owners or dubious history. The irony was not lost when he informed me this morning that his phone jarred him awake at 2:30 am by someone named “private.” WTF?
I wanna see your pics!!!
Ugh, sounds like my home phone, which I now just leave unplugged about 80% of the time.
In their defense, 6 and 8 do look a lot alike :)
PS: My word very is drjusz. Dr. Juicy?
You will Kerbear, but I have to wait till our traveler gets back to NC and puts them on a disk for me. K?
Bone, I mean, Dr. Juicy, I cannot believe TBC had yet another wrong number at such an ungodly hour!!! I'm suspicious of the customer rep gal now...
Ugh... 2:30 a.m.??? I'd be suspicious too!
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