Every year, Chaos College amps up the pandemonium as we play host to the annual district music contest. For two days running we view hormonal children from assorted nearby high schools resplendent in matching robes or ensembles flitting across campus to the designated rooms and buildings where the judging occurs. Thursday hosted the choirs and today the musical instrument combos. Our parking lots are a sea of canary school buses disgorging the overly excited kiddies. One can forget trying to grab a bite to eat at the nearby Sonic or Simple Simon as they are overrun with voracious adolescents. Our bookstore dreads this yearly circus as they too are overrun with light-fingered, bored juveniles with too much time and freedom on their grubby little hands. Lucky faculty and our mature-by-comparison students have off today but the same cannot be said for long-suffering staff. Our admin building is not used for arbitration purposes but that doesn’t mean we get away scott free. Especially today. Some of the little devils will find their way to our building and wander the hallowed halls out of pure curiosity (or lousy direction) as they peer into staff’s inner sanctum. All returns to normal on Monday so it’s just a case of patience bolstered by popping a few Valiums. I will try to refrain from sticking my tongue out or mooning them, ok? :)
No plowing over them with your car either... Tempting though it may be.
I will try to refrain from sticking my tongue out or mooning them, ok?
WHY? Why refrain??? Please don't! :) Personally, I think that sounds like a fabulous idea...
Darn it! :) If any walk in front of me I know I would definitely feel that overwhelming urge but now I will try to squash that compulsion. Oh, and some wanted to get in the gym and you have to slide your student/fac/staff ID card through now. Um, sorry, little children. *EG*
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