When my buddy Matt pops in between classes to say hi, one recurring theme dominates our conversation: Star Wars. We are both Star Wars fanatics and devour the many and diverse novels out there centering around our favorite subject. In all honesty, he’s the one that got me hooked on this heretofore unknown to me vast array of literary fiction starting with “The Courtship of Princess Leia,” which he lent from his extensive personal library. These well-written storylines travel backwards and forwards in time and add new dimension and spark to this particular sci fi theme. Yes, dear gang, Luke, Han, and Leia are only a tip of the intergalactic iceberg. So in addition to having a deep and abiding love of the popular cinematic giants, I eagerly read the equally exciting adventures featuring characters such as Corran Horn, Wedge Antilles, Mara Jade, Talon Karrde and my personal favorite, Grand Admiral Thrawn.
“Grand Admiral Thrawn (full name: Mitth'raw'nuruodo) is a fictional character from the Star Wars galaxy. He first appeared in Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy of novels, which are set five years after Return of the Jedi. Thrawn was his public "core" name, meaning "twisted or crooked", an apt description of his intricate schemes. He is generally regarded as the last great commander of the Galactic Empire. He was a Chiss, a species of aliens from the Unknown Regions. He was a brilliant military strategist and commanded the remnants of the Imperial Fleet in a series of stunning victories against the New Republic. His study of his enemies' artwork gave him insight into their thought processes and cultures, allowing him to create highly effective tailor-made strategies. Thrawn was considered a true warrior by those who served under him. If a battle Thrawn planned could not be won, Thrawn preferred not to waste troops and equipment in futile displays of power; he would withdraw and adjust his plans. Thrawn's greatest weapon was his mind. Unlike many egotistical Imperial commanders, Thrawn could accept valid ideas even if they were not his own. Thrawn was not concerned with his own personal glory, only with winning the fight against the New Republic.”
Mr. Smarty Pants is described as a tall, solidly built humanoid with blue skin and glowing red eyes. (That visage has got to be somewhat disconcerting...) Though pigeon-holed as one of the bad guys, his early beginnings show his reasoning, wit, intelligence and true motivation behind his seemingly destructive behavior. So while displaying a decided penchant toward evil, his sharp mental capacity and startling looks make for a fascinating combination and three-dimensional characterization. And though officially dead, the fantasy world allows for unforeseen changes making his return within the realm of possibility. I for one hope for and champion this feasible prospect. Thrawn + power = sexy. ;)
And just who might I be pitted against this week in FFB??? The Storm Troopers! LMAO
I love Star Wars, but I've never read any of the novels. Maybe I will start...
Phil, I was totally amazed to find a whole Star Wars world out there with totally different characters who were every bit as interesting. They really should make some movies about these guys (and gals). :)
The books, even the pulpiest of them, are 10x better than the last three (Episodes !-!!!) movies. Coran Horn would be great in a mini-series ala Battle Star Galactica.
I totally agree Dan. And Wedge too! Heck, T. Zahn and others did an excellent job of bringing these alternate characters to life...
Taken from the Mitth'raw'nuruodo entry on Wookieepedia...
"In a recent interview, Timothy Zahn explained that he could bring another clone of Thrawn to life if the Grand Admiral's ability is an absolute necessity to solve future galactic crisis. However, to escape the traditional archetypes of clones, Zahn stated that that clone would be aware that he was not Thrawn, and would be aware of immense pressure to live up to the original. To prepare for Thrawn's possible return, Zahn aroused Mara Jade Skywalker's suspicion that another clone of Thrawn existed and was behind the events in the novel Survivor's Quest."
There IS hope out there for us fans!
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