Tuesday, December 19, 2006

7 Undies for 7 Days

I've been thinking about stocking stuffers for the boys. Richard in particular has been really hard for me to find things for.... for some strange reason. Well, I can think of things... but nothing I want him to open in front of other people!

At lunch I heard something on the radio and it hit me! I can get him Days of the Week undies! I remember those from when I was a iddy bitty wittle girl. They didn't make undies that said 'hot' or 'precious' or 'delicious' when I was a kid. They made Days of the Week undies or we wore under-roos... or just plain ol pink or white ones.

Now....... to find said item will be a chore. I'm pretty positive they arent at the mall!


egan said...

Undies as a gift for a dude? Hmmm. What kind of stuff does he like, other than you of course?

TC said...

I loved those undies. :) Good choice!

And yeah, I'd stay away from the mall!

Kerry said...

He likes technology... gadgets... movies... video games... clubbing... eating... sports... more technology anything... people... music... lol

I tell him that he likes clothes... shoes... any social event that I might want to go to...

egan said...

Kerry: what kind of gadgets does he already have? iPod, GPS, cool watch, cell phone, PDA, camera, WII, Nintendo DS, iTunes gift certificate...