Monday, March 17, 2008

The Irish are Coming!

Happy St Patty's Day to ya!

It's kind of a dark, wet, dreary day here in the heart of the USA. What a crappy way to start spring break.

I've never understood why they have "spring" break in March when it's almost always (99.99%) likely to be cold and nasty. I can't really recall a nice spring break. Ever. I do remember having an ice storm though! I remember snow on spring break too. I don't remember 'springy' weather. Ever.

Why don't they move spring break to be a week or two later? I know that it wouldn't really be in the middle of the academic semester, but it would probably be nicer weather.

Oh. and Heather Mills pisses me off. Just looking at her makes me irrate. If Paul would give me 50 million, I'd be a happy little camper.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Spring break I agree is usually cold, but I never complaned too much because I didn't have to go to class.