This morning we once again ran the thunderstorm gauntlet as buckets of water poured down from the heavens in time to enhance our 'walking in' experience. This lousy start was pleasantly offset by a male coworker finding my long-lost lipstick that had gone AWOL back in March. Concealed under my computer desk, he scooped its naughty, replaced, shiny ass off the bug/raisin/Dorito-strewn carpet and with a flourish, presented it to its overjoyed owner. She is getting such a spanking for making me so distraught!!! ;) I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say the janitor doesn’t clean much in our area.
This Wednesday Mz Circe, I mean “Mz Crash,” gets to go to traffic court and tearfully plead her case. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to this chore. Hopefully, this unwarranted ticket will either get dropped or drastically reduced and I’ll be able to put all this nonsense behind me. Here’s to better days...
Is this traffic court for the wreck? If it is, I think you deserve to "win" just for your pain & suffering AND for getting rained on - AGAIN!
Yes CM, it's for fighting the ticket. There were alot of extenuating circumstances that day and they need to hear about it. I plan on explaining in gory detail complete with flipcharts, color graphs (pie and bar), expressive gestures and much heartfelt emoting. I'll let all know how it goes....
Stick to your guns! I dont think you should have to pay a ticket... there are too many factors that play into that car wreck and some of them are the counties fault!
Its about time you blogged! HAHAH
Good luck, Miss Circe!
We've missed you!
Glad you're feeling well enough to be back at it again!
I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say the janitor doesn’t clean much in our area.
Haha. Sounds like a safe bet to me.
Good to have you back, Crash :)
Good luck in court! I'm zombied today!
Thank you for the kind words, Ker, TC, Bone and Weather. I've missed you guys too!
(((gentle hugs)))
Hope court went ok today and you KICKED LEGAL ASS!!!
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