Richard, Me, Sheri and John after we'd finished 7 days of RAGBRAI
Me and Sal SO happy that the week has ended. We successfully rode the 442 miles, dipped our tires and now taking our aching legs back to the bus/Coach. This was the first time i'd ridden with Sal... what a hoot! He's from New York and has that sassy New Yorker attitude. LOVE IT!!!
Our group, including Larry and Troy (our drivers). We wouldn't have made it without those guys driving the bus and Coach every morning to our next overnight town, setting up and getting ready for us when we pedaled into town. Then tearing it all down the next morning and moving to the next town in time to be ready for us when we pedaled in again. They made it all so much easier!!!
One of the many HELL hills.
Our bikes all lined up nice & neat... ready to roll out the next morning.

Me and Mac enjoying the expo!

Our cycling club, Blood, Sweat & Gears, on the morning of the first day of RAGBRAI

I can now walk a mile on my treadmill in front of the a/c while watching shows on my 46" tv. Kind of puts your paltry accomplishment into perspective. :p
Congrats on surviving the insanity. How is it that you have any body fat left?
hahahah Thanks! I'm glad you're feeling better and up and moving! ;)
The RAGBRAI rumor is... if you don't gain weight while on the ride, you didn't do it right! HA! There are food stops about every mile. Everywhere you look is pie and beer and cookies and pizza and fried this and that. Its a rolling party. We skip all the junk (seriously) but your body does require alot of fuel (and liquid refreshment to celebrate the days accomplishment) and so you wind up eating alot of pasta and pizza and meat. Sugar is a great quick energy burst while riding so cookies and apples are good! What was the question again!? lol
442 miles?!?! That's like..... a LOT of miles per day!
I have no idea what RAGBRAI is. My best guess is Ride Across Great Britain Race Advocating something that start with an I.
The Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa
Augh, I was close.
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