Monday, July 06, 2009

The Gloved One

I have to admit that I was a proud owner of Michael Jackson's Thriller album. I watched his videos over and over on Night Flicks and even cheered on my classmates as the guys moonwalked and tried to dance and move like MJ. Over the years I fell out of such deep like/love for Michael and it became more of fascination. I was fascinated by the way he changed appearances and his odd/freaky sense of style and hair and makeup and girl voice and the "friends" he chose to keep. Just all so odd. Then all the allegations came out. I watched some of the news during that time and kind of kept up with his story...enough to know he was not convicted. Showing up to court in his PJ's was just so freakin' weird!!! Then dancing on the tops of cars. What is up with that!?

Since his death I have become more fascinated with him. His lack of childhood and desire to recreate one for himself; his brothers and sisters; his drive and desire yet he seemed to not have common sense or awareness. I dont know... but its a sad sad story. Its heartbreaking that he seemed like such a kind heart, but just going in an entirely wrong direction. May he rest in peace.

and may his Father STOP seeing all this as a money making opportunity!


Circe said...

I'm divided on this one. I think he was a talented man but his messing with kids really changed my opinion of him. I do think he had alot of issues in his own childhood and that's a shame but no excuse. And yes, his dad is still a jerk.

TC said...

I recently made my blog private. I can't seem to find an email for you. Please email me at, and I will add you.